Fell in love with Bhutan like every other traveller who has set foot in the kingdom?
Went through an experience that's forever etched on your mind?
Have a memorable anecdote to share?
Here's an opportunity for you to share your Bhutan experiences with the world.

Stories from Bhutan


The yak pulling the plough was already scoring the field opposite the three storied house. The door, like most of the village houses, was adorned with an elaborate giant phallus, colourfully and meticulously painted in typical Bhutanese style. This of course horrified the puritanical sensibilities of my North American trekking companions. In spite of all being succesful professionals and obviously well traveled, they — to my embarrasment — continued to unabashedly judge the culture and social...

By Janine Vici Campbell, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, June 2022
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A unique inspiration visit to the dragon kingdom by a sole American
Ahh a visit that led to Samsara Gear the first import of Bhutanese textiles to North America. Began with a guest lecture at the Wangchuk School of law to the wonderful young students in the responsibilities of becoming a lawyer in Bhutan . A dinner with Chencho Dorgi the first psychiatrist in Bhutan on the pulse of mental health in Bhutan. A very hard four day trek up Jolihari only to dodge a wild yak . Witnessing the grand festival in Punakah. Sampling the great foods of Bhutan and developing...
By Frank Rapoport, United States, June 2022
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There and back again (soon)...
Travelling to Bhutan is a true adventure: from the moment my flight approaches Paro airport and the cloud parts to review the precarious runway, I knew in my heart that I will leave a part of myself in this land.

My road to Bhutan started in 2012 when I first met a group of wonderful Bhutanese in Singapore. Their warmth and culture inspired me to one-day visit this land that always appeared almost mythical and mysterious.

When I finally set foot in Bhutan in 2018, the...
By Wayne Soo, Singapore, May 2022
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My Love Affair with Bhutan

‘Unlike most love affairs based on fiction and fueled by desire, this one did not end in disappointment’

When I was fifteen years old, I read James Hiltons Lost Horizons, and I was captivated. Years later, when I learned the mythical ‘Shangri-La’ was in fact Bhutan, a place made only more alluring by the reported difficulty of getting there, a tiny seed of desire was planted. It grew and grew over many years, nourished by reading everything I...

By Julia Davenport, Australia, April 2022
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In 2019 I traveled to Bhutan with my 94 year old mother who had been there twice before and had made friends with her guide and driver Wangda and Sonam. My mother passed away last year at just shy of 96. Traveling always brought out the best in her and she had traveled quite a bit having been in over 120 countries, but Bhutan was in many ways her special place.

In Bhutan we, like most, landed in Paro and went to Thimpu that evening to rest up for the long drive to the Valley of the...
By Michael Speight, PhD, United States, April 2022
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I have long heard of Bhutan being the happiest country in Asia. A scarce land of the Thunder Dragon with developed roads without traffic lights. Systematic and consistent building roof designs and a smoke free country. Friendly Bhutanese in their traditional costumes (the guys are mostly handsome too ^^). All these contemplated me to visit Bhutan to satisfy my curiosity in October 2019.

Being a workaholic, I often work over the phone even I was on holidays. But for Bhutan, for...
By Rennie Wee, Singapore, April 2022
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My best friend and I had wanted to go to Bhutan for years after seeing pictures of the Tiger’s Nest in National Geographic Magazine. In February 2020, we had the chance to go and we’re some of the last tourists before the borders closed to COVID. On our hike to the Tiger’s Nest, we encountered the Queen Mother making her way to them Tiger’s Nest. We were delighted to see the Monastery playing music to greet her as it echoed throughout the Himalayas. We learned how to pray with our guide and had...
By Lauren, United States, April 2022
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Dreams come true !
They say nature never betrays a heart that loves her. I felt enormous amount gratitude and love for the Bhutan, Nature and the beautiful people. My spiritual awaking that this little gem thought me in just few days. I truly believe that universe connects you to places and people and I was fortunate to find a special human that I can call a Brother today. My Bhutanese brother Tandin Wangul has touched my heart by showing me the Bhutanese culture and the Buddhist...

By Mersiha, United States, April 2022
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Always thought that Bhutan is an expensive country to visit until I started doing some homework on the country.

After gathering my travel mates and finalising the travel dates, we started training to prepare for the Tiger Nest (more of this later).

Nothing prepared me for the high altitude. Within a hour, I managed to get car sick and had to change seats with our tour guide at Dochula Pass. But hey, I got the best view for the next 7 days. After a day tour and finally reaching...

By Ami, Singapore, April 2022
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