Fell in love with Bhutan like every other traveller who has set foot in the kingdom?
Went through an experience that's forever etched on your mind?
Have a memorable anecdote to share?
Here's an opportunity for you to share your Bhutan experiences with the world.

After seeing incredible travel photos about Bhutan on social media, I decided to travel to Bhutan and see what it's all about for myself. I took on the journey all by myself and explored the country with a local guide and a driver for one week. It's hard to pick just one memorable moment from this trip because there were so many altogether. What made this trip so unique and different from all the other countries I had been to previously is that the way of life is so different.

The Bhutanese live their lives in a way that preserves their environment - and they prioritize nature over everything. For example, on one of my trips last days, my guide took me on a hike to the famous Tiger Nest Monastery. The hike was hard for an inexperienced hiker like me. To make it easier for me, my guide carried my backpack along with his own for the entirety of the hike. Every now and then, he picked up litter and bits of trash that we came across along the hike: empty plastic bottles, snack packaging and other unidentifiable pieces. He said all citizens must keep nature clean and not destroy it in any way.

Once we arrived at a restaurant near the top, he emptied his pocket of litter into the trash can. I thought this was extremely impressive. If everyone in the world was as environmentally conscious as the Bhutanese, I wonder what a better place our earth would be. Bhutan is truly unlike any place I ever visited, and I'm eager to return.

Posted by Linda on July 29, 2021 | Germany
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