Fell in love with Bhutan like every other traveller who has set foot in the kingdom?
Went through an experience that's forever etched on your mind?
Have a memorable anecdote to share?
Here's an opportunity for you to share your Bhutan experiences with the world.

Like many people, Bhutan has been a source of fascination and a desired travel destination for me. In 2018, I was lucky to have the chance to visit this kingdom for a week. Much has been written about the kingdom, its beautiful landscapes and inspiring landmarks/monuments. For me, whats striking about Bhutan was its authenticity. The citizens of Bhutan had an aspiration to live their culture while modernising. This is a challenge worldwide and I think Bhutan handles it well with their concept of Gross National Happiness and travel quota to preserve travel sustainability. I remember the warmth of my guide and driver. The service staff at the various hotels and restaurants were always courteous and friendly. Interacting with them was definitely a major plus point of the trip.

As a Buddhist, travelling in Bhutan also provides an added element of familiarity as I could see, hear, touch, taste, smell and feel Buddhist practice throughout the entire journey. The highlight of the journey was undoubtedly the hike up to visit the Paro Taktsang - the Tiger Nest Monastery. It took me almost three hours to complete the journey and half the time, I was catching my breath! Reaching there was a huge relief turned into amazing satisfaction as I visited the various temples. I knew then that I had achieved something that I could tell stories of for the rest of my life.

Memories and stories. Is that what we travel for?

Tags: tigers nest,
Posted by Teo Puay Kim on April 04, 2022 | Singapore
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